I watched the press conference. Trump played the press like a violin. Calling this "Meltdown" proves that Huff Post is low-IQ propaganda.


Furthermore, my narrative. This fucking white male "NassimNicholasTaleb" trying to say that Adolf Zlompf DIDN'T throw a Trumpertantrum meltdown?!? HA!!!!! Everybody knows that he's a racist, sexist, orange meanie poopoo butthead who is fucking a white male and therefore an angry raging racist testosterone maniacal tyrant. Oh yes, Toddler Tyrant Trump. Terrible Trump. Tiny Trump.

LOL PLEASE, we all watched that orange clownface bloviate back and forth across the stage, mere moments away from picking up that podium and chucking it across the room -- oh wait, he wouldn't have been able to manage this with his small hands LOL! Sweetie, honey, its okay, its probably for the best if you can't pick up that podium sweetie, now calm down and be presidential.

Here's a short autobiography: I choose not to accept the truth, rather, I prefer my happy fantasyland where everyone who disagrees with me must by definition be an idiot because I'm like a genius for some reason. It helps me "win" arguments.

Writing this shit gave me cancer and if you've actually read this far then congratulations you now have cancer.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - twitter.com