Water protesters are planning to march on RTÉ tomorrow · TheJournal.ie

You don't agree that the government who had water charges in their manifesto have introduced said water charges on a per use policy

Which is only happening because its coalition partner, which campaigned on the slogan "Frankfurt's way or Labour's way" then went precisely down Frankfurt's way and broke every single campaign promise including the prevention of water charges.

Fine Gael does not have a majority mandate. Period. It should not be allowed to subject us to a dictatorship, yet there are many(like yourself) who are all too happy to see democracy go down the shitter so long as you can hold up a pretense of involvement once every 5 years.

which has now been temporarily changed to a flat fee,

Funny how you just skimmed over the counter to your argument, which I've kindly highlighted in bold for you. Temporary concessions are not concessions.

protestors who have defied court orders were jailed for breaching said court orders, and now you're gona protest a TV station?

Holy leaps in logic, batman!

The two events are linked, but they aren't protesting at RTÉ because some protesters got jailed for protesting. Stop trying to warp reality to suit your ignorant narrative.

The protest is there to oppose RTÉ's biased media coverage. "But how is RTÉ biased, Cyridius!? I watch it every night and I don't see any bias!"

There are a lot of fucking lala land people in this country and it is really becoming embarrassing.

I know, why can't people just be obedient little workers and protest precisely where I think is appropriate? Little plebs are getting out of line, really!

Freeman, Land League, Right2Water etc.

I love the implication that these are all the same people. You realise there are about 300 totally separate and autonomous groups protesting the water charges? Not only have you managed to into full propaganda regurgitation mode and conflated water protesters with Freemen and New Land League(I'm sure that wasn't intentional, they're all loonies sure!), you've just totally ignored the simple reality that the water protest movement isn't uniform or unified.

Nobody wants to take responsibility for fuck all in this place any more

What a load of facile nonsense. There are people protesting across this country every day, taking the responsibility to get involved in the running of this country, while you sit away moaning about how people are getting involved. Really, pick one or the other, or actually be honest with everyone and just admit you don't like participatory democracy when it doesn't agree with everything you want.

but use Denis O'Brien and Enda Kenny as someone to vilify for actions that are long overdue (on the water meters) and off target as it was under the FF watch (bondholders and bailouts),

And then the hypocrisy of all this, you shiteing on about nobody wanting to take responsibility for anything and then going on to tow the old FG-Labour line that they spout to absolve themselves of responsibility. "It was the previous government's fault! We swear!"

What is even the point of voting, if that's the excuse they're going to use? Why even pretend we have a democracy if voting in a new government which then does not follow through on most of its core promises is considered grand and the normal thing to happen?

without accepting responsibility for the mortgage they took out (Freemen) or the resources they consume.

And here you are again! Conflating the general population with Freemen. You're really out to agenda set.

Maybe it's the flouride in the water that's causing this collective losing-of-their-shit?

And to top it all off, another smug dig at the general population, conflating them with people fluoride conspiracy theorists.

People, here you have the perfect example of propaganda. I wouldn't be surprised if you looked up agenda setting and found this comment as the perfect example. Pure horseshit, bias, warping of reality sprinkled off with an appeal to reason and logic.

/r/ireland Thread Link - thejournal.ie