Has anyone called Pieta house in a time of crisis? Have they *helped*?

Thank you. I have a serious medical issue but bcs it's not cancer I'm not taken seriously. Ive been suidicidal from pain and have been told by the best doctor in the field in Ireland to take paracetamol. He also recommended a treatment that is not used in other parts of the world bcs it's so damaging. This was after the private ER and best consultants of the country told me nothing was wrong, but since I'm over 35 it's loose skin. I had to go abroad. And w the feckin same MrIs I got here the consultants actually looked at the images and saw so many things that were wrong.

I hate hate that I can not advocate for myself, I hate how fucking weak I am so I hurt myself bcs what else can I do. It's not self pity, it's self hate. I am so angry at myself

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