Weekly Dedicated Server and Looking for Tribe Thread

New 24/7 PVP RP server on the center.


Recently wiped PVP RP server (about one week ago). We have three tribes settled and are looking to grow into a larger community. We have general don't be a jerk rule which I'll explain in detail below. Two active admins (whos tribe is not allowed to raid.) which protect new and unleveled tribes as well as resources.


Server Settings

  • 3x XP
  • 3x Harvest Amount
  • 4x Dino Harvesting Damage
  • 6x Taming Speed
  • 1x Dino Character Food Drain
  • 0.7x player food/water drain
  • 3x Hatching & Maturation
  • Long Days, Shorter(half)Nights
  • No character/Dino downloading
  • increased Dino/player health/weight



  • 24/7 PVP Role Playing (Stay in character)
  • Don't be a Jerk(See Explanation Below)
  • No Griefing
  • No Offline Raiding (See Explanation Below)
  • No Killing of Passive Tames (See Explanation Below)
  • No Building on Resources (See Locations below.)
  • Minimal Base Damage
  • Admins Do Not Raid. But Act As a Police Force.

Don't be a Jerk Rule- If the enemy tribe is significantly weaker than you. Leave them alone. However, If they pick a fight with you, or move onto your property than that's a different story. Secondly, Don't continuously Raid the same tribe over and over. Allow them time to rebuild. Lastly, don't completely decimate people unnecessarily. Break in steal whatever isn't nailed down and gtfo.


No Offline Raiding - Raiding the base of a tribe with no members online will not be tolerated. That being said, having one tribe member online makes ANY and ALL of their tribe's structures eligible for raiding.


No Killing of Passive Tames - Killing passive tames at someone's base or while they are out harvesting/taming will result in serious repercussions. However, if someone brings a tame to a raid, or anywhere near a battle for that matter, it will NOT be considered a passive tame.We do not expect someone to spyglass every Argent in sight while they are trying to defend themselves.


  • The center and skull island are under protection by the admins due to being highly saturated in valuable resources for the whole community as well as many high level dinos/alpha predators for taming/experience gains respectively. These two areas as well as caves are neutral ground(no fighting, take it outside) Passage to skull island is free and unregulated. However this is not the case with the center. Our safari is open to the general public for hunting or mining. The cost is free. We only ask that you ask ahead of time to visit(so that we can shut down turrets and get ready to let you in)


You can PM or reply to me here or message and add the server Gamertag to your friends list. Once you've been added you can use the join game feature. I'll be using smart glass to reply to admin requests and add new members. If you have a tribe that wants to come have them do the same.

/r/ARKone Thread