Wildcard Admins Intentionally Affected PVP Server Dynamic

Well, some proof I can give you is the time frame. The Hive started on the server on Day 1, May 17th. On May 27th is when The Hive messed up their tribe. The GM came and fixed their stuff approximately 7-8 days ago. That's two weeks before anything was dealt with. Two weeks where they talked smack to everyone on the server because they had already lost everything, two weeks they had been in another tribe, their tribe split up.

Even if they had lost their tribe due to a glitch, only half their tribe was given anything. The other half was still on the server in a different tribe and got nothing. How is that fair? The other half was friendly to us, but they got wiped by the same people because... well, the other half were given their bases and stuff back. Half of them could have been allies and also gotten some of their bases back. That would have set a balance.

Instead, the CS Rep only gave the base back to horrible people hell bent on server destruction, and talked them up in chat. Talking up a tribe in chat changes the dynamic. It is one thing to be friendly to everyone, it is another to act like you're picking favorites... and this admin did. Everyone in the server right now is talking about how they have an admin in their tribe and it's not fair. No one on the server feels there was any balance set by what the CS rep did. It set The Hive up for success and basically gave them a get out of jail free card to attack anyone they wanted. Anyone who they had issues with while they were weak they now had the power to destroy. Completely unfair and unbalanced.

I'll get you your proof, if I can. But you should have logs of the chat and be able to go back to a point in time and see what was said. You should have logs on your servers to check what admin commands were run. Where are they? You've got an entire server of people upset, and possibly more now that this is public.

/r/ARKone Thread Parent