Weekly “Help Me FIRE!” thread. Post your detailed information for highly specific advice. - November 02, 2020

Industry / Location

Early 30s. Software Engineer/Trader/ Statistician/ML consultant . Bay Area

-General goals

Generate a 120M + net worth to be able to fund a very expensive venture into startup land.

-Target FIRE Age / Amount / Withdrawal Rate / Location

50-55/1M per year/ Bay Area, Hawaii, SoCal.

-Educational background and plans

PhD emphasizing in ML.

-Career situation and plans

Full time software engineer, Full time trader, and part-time statistical/ML consultant.

Plans to start own startup in a very expensive field (health).

-Current and future income breakdown, including one-time events

Software TC > 1 million (Thanks stock market you make my RSUs many many times more valuable), Consulting ~150k-200k, Trading > 10 million after taxes (this year was a blow out due to being super leveraged in the right direction during the right times).

-Budget breakdown

No budget

-Asset breakdown, including home, cars, etc.

~$1.2M in house.

$50k in cars, but I have a Tesla Plaid, Cyber Truck, and Roaster on order.

~$2 Million in private companies (SpaceX/Stripe/etc.)

~$2.5-$3million in retirement accounts (mega backdoor Roth IRA, 401k, Roth 401k, HSA, SEP IRA).

The rest in stocks and derivatives. This is very difficult to calculate as it fluctuates alot.

-Debt breakdown


-Health concerns


Is it weird to be so removed from cash that I see them as just numbers of a screen? I lost well over a million in a single day in September but didn't care. Lost another 500k the next day. Still did not worry.

/r/financialindependence Thread