Weekly Introductions Thread - November 22, 2020

My first pregnancy ended in a MMC this summer which took some time to resolve, then we took a couple cycles off, and this was our first cycle back to TTC. I was hesitant but hubs was ready....I didn't really expect it to happen right away (dumb, because it did the first time, too), but here we are.

Yesterday was 4 weeks and I managed to get in for blood confirmation after arguing with the receptionist. I told her I had a history of loss and the midwives wanted me to have labs done as soon as I got a positive test, so she tried to give me an appointment 4 weeks out! Then she offered next Monday, and finally said she had no idea what I was asking for and would just have a midwife call me.

Thankfully after that runaround, numbers came back great. Granted I don't believe that loss was progesterone related, but this time my level is already higher, 18.8 at 4 weeks vs 16.3 at 6 weeks. Their benchmark is 20, so the midwife was very optimistic about this one. HCG looks great, too, at 424, so I'm starting to let myself get excited. I even finally opened the box of cloth diapers I ordered just before we found out it was a MMC this summer.

I go back tomorrow for repeats on both labs, fingers crossed this one sticks.

/r/PregnancyAfterLoss Thread