[WEEKLY] Off-Topic

Yeah man. I've got a female friend (platonic). She's super slamming hot & we're at her BF's band's show... not like garage band he plays Europe, gets paid well, etc.

Anyhow we're at this show and he's just got off stage we're kinda kicking back in a small circle and this group of strange people who'd been kinda weird all night just stands up starts to make an exit & one of their chicks runs full sprint at the hot chick and throws a hay maker. Hot chick has her head turned and turns her face into the punch I think kinda to see what was going on.

Boom, she's on the floor. I immediately check her to see if she's okay. She's not knocked out. I look towards the exit and this the last member of the other group is on their way out the door. I'm fucking livid. Like unprovoked, super nice chick, just took a shot to the face for no reason, & it was planned these people are clearly on their way to their car.

I see red & I sprint after them. Catch up in a nearby vacant parking lot. I start telling them to chill the fuck out & wait for the cops. They say they've done nothing wrong, etc. I pull out my phone and take some pictures of their faces all the while I'm telling them what a bunch of cunts they are.

The puncher has a husband who's starting to tell me I can't take pictures of the girls. I tell him to get out of my way and not to try leaving or it will be bad. At this point there's cops been called. This tiny vegan dude from our group shows up to help... which like I appreciate but it's not really helpful.

Husband's buddy keeps stepping in the middle and telling me I don't want to mess with this guy he's a really bad guy to which I promptly reply "what branch of the service is he in" kids like what? "Yeah, what branch of the service is he in? I'm 6'5" he's like maybe 5'9" unless he kills people for a living I'm not that worried...". BANG... I get sucker punched by this same rando chick.

I should have grabbed her by the hair and bounced her head off the street because at that point she'd clearly earned it, but this whole time I've been trying to slow them down because I know cops are coming. As I hesitate for a second and the rest of their friends try to hit me with a car. They stop after I jump out of the way. The puncher chick jumps in & they bail.

I'm just super fucking pissed. Like I'm pissed that I stopped to help my friend, I'm pissed that I tried to delay them instead of just beating all associated men and women who clearly had planned this shit out, I'm pissed I didn't knock out the husband, and most of all I'm pissed because the cops still aren't there. I know when I go back into the bar I'll probably end up having to recount this whole stupid thing to police and give a statement since I've got pics and I also got sucker punched.

I decide I'll walk down this side street and smoke a cig before I go back into the bar and have to interact with people again because I'm not real personable when I'm mad. About 3-5 minutes later their car pulls up next to me & they're just all smiling the creepiest smiles of all time... like this is your stereotypical child molester smile. I ask them if they decide to stop being pussies and invite them out of their vehicle.

The creepy smiles turn to each other (no change in expression) and then the husband gets out of the car with said creepy smile and starts to get something out of the trunk. I'm on a dimly lit side street in our downtown bar/jail area, there's nobody else on this little street, and it just clicks that he could be grabbing a gun. Fucking bail real quick through a parking garage & cut across back to the bar.

Get inside. Cops never even came, now they don't want to come because the people left, I give the pics to the security guy from the bar, I sign a statement (because I'm not a rat but fuck those weird people), and I go home.

Next morning I get a text from the chick saying they're at the police station and that with the help of the bar staff they ID'd the people through social media (SWEET). I go to look at their facebooks and the puncher/husband combo has kids sad but they've also got punch of pics of themselves torturing and doing mock executions with mannequins in the desert. They seem like gun nuts which is chill because I hunt but the whole kind of weird fantasy murder desert pictures made me think that running like a bitch was the right move.

TL;DR - I may be a bitch, but at least I'm your bitch.

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