Kms..ive decided to end my life short, im ok with this. (I am a male)

whatever dude. Obviously you made your choice and nothing anyone here can say can change that. Sounds like your being a fucking moron and a selfish son of a bitch If you give a shit about this girl at all. you woudnt do that to her. maybe she does care about you but you know sounds like to me likely you been running around with a black cloud on your head and shes seen this.. Maybe heres a thought. be thankful you have someone. stand up and be a man for once instead of offing yourself because oh what your 16/17 and god forbid your life isnt perfect or where it should be yet.

Jesus this is likely why your parents were right. SOunds like to me your relying on this girl to "fix things for you" instead of just being a man and being happy with yourself and not relying on some girl who likely has her own issues and likely is very immature at her age anyways to be everything you "need" her to be.

why not just be single for a while? have fun with video games, hanging out being a fucking teen instead of acting like some oh my god my life is over bullshit.

Pisses me off. Enough with the 16-17 year old kid who thinks his life is over.

ive been going through shit for 33 years but im not giving up just because of crap i cant control. I take it one day at a time. and i try to find the little happiness in my life and while im afraid of the future i am somewhat hopeful that MAYBe if i just keep tyring and hanging in there i Will find the happiness im lookng for. but fucking ending it what when your still more or less a damn kid?


again nothing anyone here can say you to obviously; So do what you gotta do. You do realize by ending it then you garenee that girl will go on with someone else. and honestly sounds like excuse me your a pathetic loser

not becaue you go through shit but because you actually really want to do this and your too dumb to find any other option.

she does deserve someone better.

all i can say is be a fucking man for once (killing yoruself is NOT being a man) and buck up. try to change your own damn attitude and not be yet another teen suicide statistic.

Seriously the fuck is wrong with you teens today.

/r/depression Thread