Help ending the addiction (don't upvote)

I personally lose interest in games when I sit down and think about the reality of the time I'm spending and how it could of improved my life if I had spent it doing something else.

A few hundred hours spent on gaming could have been spent learning or working to master a skill. Playing an instrument, learning a language, improving artistic ability, learning to code in a new language, getting in better shape, etc. Time is a finite resource and the hundreds if not thousands of hours I put into World of Warcraft and other games from the early 2000s until today do nothing to improve my life or myself as a person. The characters sit on a server beyond my control, doing nothing for me. The gold can't pay my bills. The daily quests teach me no skills. The gear isn't even worth its repair cost in game six months after acquiring it. It's all a complete waste outside of the momentary enjoyment you get while playing.

I've made a lot of friends gaming but even those are kind of intangible in a way. Of a hundred or more throughout the years I talk to one, maybe two semi regularly and they grow more distant day by day.

So for the fun of playing now you're out the opportunity cost of the time you spend as well as the financial cost of the game.

In light of all that I still go through short phases of playing games too much for a few days at a time every now and then but generally I'm happier working on something. Learn to value your time and it should be easier to moderate the amount of time you spend on games.

In games where you can easily cheat it's quick enough to show your brain how pointless a game is and make yourself bored with it. If you had infinite gold and could get any and all the items in game instantly with no effort your brain would get satiated with the rewards of the game and lose interest in those aspects because it makes them valueless. But they already are valueless, the reward is fake. The carrot on a stick is imaginary, man. You're tricking your brain into feeling like you're achieving something when you're really achieving nothing.

TLDR: Time is money, friend.

/r/gaming Thread