I want to get something off my chest. (Warning: Rant)

I guess there isn't any need for you to call me an asshole either, I hope. I am certain that you are definitely smart enough to know exactly why I put disagreement in quotes last time and exactly what I meant by it. I think you are an intelligent person and a kind-hearted person. There is a reason I had upvoted your previous account quite a bit.

However, you should know this issue is very important to me and many others not just because it effects my daily life, but because I know it effects the lives of so many others at such a critical point in their lives. I am extremely passionate about this issue because I am intimately aware of the physical and emotional toll it can take on gsm people. Young gsm people especially.

It is because of this awareness that I will not feel bad if you are offended by the notion that anti-gay views are harmful or that the intention behind those views is, in the end, meaningless. For many people who enter these discussions, all of it is just theory. It's just something to talk about and maybe effects the way you think of your cousin you see twice a year, but that's it. For some who also are some of the most vulnerable, though, it is their every day lives. It is life and death (literally and/or figuratively depending on the person and their situation).

I don't want you to see attacks (mine or other's) on anti-gay views as personal attacks on your worth as a human/Christian/citizen, but in the end I'll make them regardless because the anti-gay views are themselves personal attacks on gay people. I'll make them because I know the harm they can cause.

I don't bear any ill will towards you personally and I don't believe that you do towards me (or at least I hope you don't), but don't ask me to stop pouncing here or anywhere else... I don't have that luxury.

/r/Christianity Thread Parent