Weekly /r/Genshin_Lore Question Megathread

Hello Friends. I started playing Genshin about 20 days ago and since I'm that person that reads every quest cuz that's my fun, I've heard something very concerning....

I was told that events here never rerun. And some key characters were introduced in long past events (such as Scaramouche, the Harbinger in version 1.1 during a fallen stars event)

I have two questions:

1) is there a known compendium with at least the cutscenes from the previous events earlier than 2.6 which when I started? Ideally I'd like to read everything, but I doubt someone recorded everything from the release of the game until now....

2) Would I lose to much if I don't get these infos in terms of understanding the lore? I would certain lose a chunk of my joy cuz reading carefully the lore is my thing, but the big preocupation here is that when Scaramouche gets introduced in a canon form during Inazuma, it feels like a "hello, how are you doing today?" almost like I already knew him. Which obviously I don't.

/r/Genshin_Lore Thread