The Introduction Cutscene is a lie! (The Truth of this World - Part I)

Hey, OP here. I am kinda embarassed to read what I wrote in this post. And I have been avoiding reading all day. Although I was not drunk when I wrote it, I was still not feeling myself. I will keep the bs for now, you can have fun laughing at it. A later version will be released. I'll cut the bullshit and keep what's revelant and certain in my mind.

The new version will still be based on these foundations:

1) The Four Shades are the First Descenders. 2) The Primordial One is not the first descender because he sends shades/heirs in his place as shown in the Gnostic Chorus. 3) The sibling is Phanes, who was fashioned within Aether. He is not a descender because he hatched (was born) in the Kingdom of Darkness. 4)The "Sibling" is either infiltrated or being forced to work for the Abyss Order. 5) The Sibling is watching you and waiting for the opportune moments to give you each volume of "The Pale Princess and Six Pygmies".

/r/Genshin_Lore Thread