/dev: On the Champions of 2016

For me personally, it wasn't so much the numbers, but his kit feels like it is just all mashed together, making very little sense for what we've come to expect from champs.

Passive - 3 hit passive that does some damage on 3 hits, fairly stock standard, a little tired. And gives movement speed. What?

Q - Sure a melee char could use a ranged slow. Seems to go a long way though and feels like it does a lot more poke damage than we've come to expect. However, why is he throwing his timewinding device away? Why is it coming back? Why is it hovering? Isn't it super valuable to him and probably fragile/shouldn't be used as a blunt force object?

W - More passive damage to his auto attacks. Doesn't he already have 2 passives tied to his auto attacks? He still needs more passives? What happened to avoiding invisible power? The active itself is pretty good though imo, except a stun AND a shield? A stun alone would have been fine but anyway.

E - Gets a dash. Sigh, every champion gets a dash shoved into their kit these days and it feels like extremely lazy design in general, and doesn't make much sense thematically here either. And then he blinks. He needs a blink on top of the dash?

Ult - I'm sorry I fucked up, I want a do over! Ok sure, he rewinds time, so he has to do something like this, but it adds even more movement to his kit on top of his dash and his blink. Makes for a frustrating time to play against that much movement coupled with an "I fucked up" button that heals him and a stun dome that shields him and a passive that speeds him up and and and.... you get my point yeah?

Individually these skills seem completely fine, and sure, blinking into your stun bubble to stun someone makes sense gameplay wise. But all of smashed it smashed in together just feels...odd? Like not a coherent champion, but bits and pieces of several combined into one.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Parent Link - nexus.leagueoflegends.com