USAID FSO update: EXO and HPN referrals have gone out

Hi, I received an invitation to interview for the HPN position. and have a question for OP or anyone knowledgeable.

However, I applied to this on kind of a whim because I was already in applying to other federal positions. I didn't think much of it, and was surprised to hear back because usajobs is just kind of a black hole, even for qualified individuals.

As a result, I haven't done much research on the process or talked to anyone about USAID FSO service/career. I know a little about the process for state dept FSOs, since I've known a couple people who have gone through that process. Where would be a good place to start learning about the interview process, the hiring timeline, and generally what the HPN position is like? Would love to chat with someone who has experience in the role.

Thanks to anyone who can address this.

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