Wells Report Megathread- May 6 2015

Honestly? So the fuck what.

At the end of the day all you have is the NFL thinking that maybe, but probably Brady told guys to deflate balls to the level he felt comfortable with. Big fuckin' deal.

It's no worse than Aaron Rodgers asking for over-inflated balls, and it has no more or less impact on the game. No one who isn't a troll or professional dipshit looks at guys like Brady and Rodgers and thinks the football PSI difference accounts for their greatness.

Frankly, I don't care if Brady himself walked into the locker room, gave Walt Anderson an atomic wedgie and deflated the balls himself before writing "Fuck you, Rodger" on each one. After the footballs were properly inflated, Brady took a big steaming shit on the Colts, and had an all-time game against the best defense in the NFL.

Look at the stats from halftime of the AFCCG on:

  • 49 of 64 passes completed for 554 yards, 7 TDS and 2 INTs.

That's an amazing statline, even more so given the competition. And Brady's 3 previous Super Bowl victories came before the '06 rule even allowed QBs to supply their own balls. This shit has no bearing on his performance or achievements.

As for the Wells report: yes, it's sloppy and contains a number of questionable methods and suspicious conduct on behalf of the investigators and their co-operators. Again I ask: so the fuck what? All that supposition and nonsense and all we know is that maybe something happened to maybe some degree of something we're not totally sure on.

If you hate the Pats or have been looking for an excuse to hate them, the Wells report is perfect for you. You can write it down in your diary next to Spygate as the reasons why your dumpster-fire franchise can't win a Super Bowl. But no one who's opinion you can take seriously thinks this matters at all.

Goodell is the king of the overreaching punishment, so a suspension might be possible. But after his previous disciplinary fuckups and embarrassment at the hands of Paul Tagliabue, he might not go nuts. Even if Brady gets suspended 4 games and the rest of the AFCE plays great, we still know the Pats are playoff bound.

Years from now we'll look back on this like Spygate and say, "Big fuckin' deal."

/r/Patriots Thread