I went into a game and picked Mr. Bigglesworth, thinking "why the heck not? Sure, I'll probably get eighth and have to play really defensively, but the highroll will be worth it if it happens." I then proceed to win every single fight.

On the 5-gold turn, I got two Nathrezim Overseers, buffing my Homunculus to a 6/8.
On the 6-gold turn, the Lich King left the game, giving me his Tough Tusk.
On the 8-gold turn, I sold my Steward of Time and bought four whole minions off of it.
On the 9-gold turn, I found a Spawn to triple with, a Scallywag, and a Khadgar. I thought, "this would be sweet if I got Eliza"
On the 10-gold turn, I indeed tripled into Eliza. On subsequent turns I manage to find a second Khadgar and Scallywag very quickly, and I had Pirate Exodia before I knew it.
On the second-last turn, my last opponent, Al'Akir (who had a Goldrinn beast comp), left the game before the fight ended. If they continued, they would have discovered that they survived with 1 HP, and they probably would have won had they put their Hydra in front to cleave my minions. They did not, and I got first.

In the end, I ended the game having only played one minion off of Mr. Bigglesworth's Hero Power, leaving the others stranded in my hand because my Pirate Exodia comp was better than having them in play. If my internet wasn't being sluggish, I would have sold them for refreshes, but ah well.

/r/BobsTavern Thread Link - i.redd.it