What do you think?

I thought the first debate with Baltimore was pretty weak. I enjoyed it a bit more when Justine showed up, as I strongly identified with her in the past videos. (I suspect she was specifically included to be an appeal to those of us who are ‘anti-tabby’ but not a ‘Tiffany’)

But still, I’m not entirely convinced in either direction. Tiffany is right that strategic essentialism is a prerequisite for progress. But I also agree with Justine that dysphoria doesn’t mean we’re inherently not our agabs.

Idk, I started the video very confused and hoping for answers, but there weren’t any to be found here. I don’t think that lying about the cause/motivation underlying trans people is going to work in the internet age, transphobes can just google Blanchard and ROGD. And imo, if being trans is truly a choice then our cause will lose momentum and die in countries with a strong conservative/terf presence. None of these options feel satisfactory to me.

/r/honesttransgender Thread Link - youtu.be