On the Importance of Screening (aka Gatekeeping)

the reasons for such propoganda on detransitioning is the push to have all costs of transitioning covered by insurance and/or taxpayers . That includes what has been considered elective surgery eg cosmetic surgery. The politicians are using that , the costs of what has been considered elective surgery, along with detransition stories , meaning all that money spent on transitioning is wasted money spent as the reasons why insurance and/or taxpayers shouldnt bear the financial costs of transitioning. further, if transgender gets costs covered for surgeries like breast implants, or nose jobs, or cheek implants, chin implants, then everyone who seeks such surgery , cis included , also would have to be covered. that would drive up insurance premiums and taxes.

for you, Kuutamoskissa, heres a link to the 12 long term studies on detransitioners beginning in 1972 thru 2013. http://www.sexologytoday.org/2016/01/do-trans-kids-stay-trans-when-they-grow_99.html

& another link https://www.psypost.org/2017/12/many-transgender-kids-grow-stay-trans-50499

why someone detransitions is a varied as why they transition. we, thats all of us, can only speculate what those reasons are. even the detransitiiners themselves arent ever quite sure why. One thing though that everyone of us, cis included, does is that we change & grow, as we grow older & what we want changes as we grow older.

for the mtf whos entire transition is based on physical appearace of being attractive, eg passing as a cis woman means being attractive, just like cis women whos entire value is based on physical appearance of attractiveness, there comes a time in life that no matter what one does, women, be it trans or cis has to confront that they no longer turn heads or get interested looks. Women become invisible. often, thats around age 50. One can google "women become invisible as they age" & read about stories of cis women & their realizations that they've become invisible. The differences between cis & trans is that the mtf trans can detransition & no longer become invisible. That , my friend , is all about the "why" & motivations" that someone transitions in the first place.

no amount of gatekeeping , either by the medical or the psych professionals is going to stop or check individuals who want to transition from transitioning. They are going to, & if it transitioning doesnt meet their goals or desires, doesnt meet their expectations, they will detransition, just the same as if a job or career doesnt get that why want or expect, the individual will change jobs or careers.

whis to blame?

/r/honesttransgender Thread