What Are Your Moves Tomorrow - May 20, 2021

Peeps with ADHD here, what meds do you take? I've tried adderall and Vyvanse. I'd like to switch back to Vyvanse because splitting adderall pills up through the day gets me in the same mind state as my druggy days. I know Vyvanse isn't as strong so that's a hang up for me but at least I don't have to keep taking it throughout the day.

I'm 25 and I just don't want to do this shit anymore. I've stopped before thinking I could do it myself only to realize my life has been fucking stagnant the entire time I've been off so I get back on. I've done that damn cycle probably 3 or 4 times now. I've tried a ton of shit to be good while unmedicated but I always end up going no where in life. Anyone have a similar story? Where are you at now with it? Fuck adhd man

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