Vershually idennicull.

She looked gakked out of her mind in one gif I saw. Never gonna watch it, can someone with drug experience report back please?

The deterioration of her mental health during lockdown has been kinda sad to watch. I dont rate her comedy but also not interested in celebrating a long form snuff movie either.

Blue hair, regular scantily clad photos, ketamine therapy, cuts on her face from apparently hitting a table and going radio silent on people for weeks on end and all starting with the years of plastic surgery that she won't admit to.

Has she started back at the comedy store again or was she pushed out with the rogan crew? I saw Wgggure advertising some other LA club. Have management distanced themselves from the deathsquad completely? Earl Skakil has been going in on them hard every day on twitter recently so there has definitely been a change of some kind.

/r/thefighterandthekid Thread Link -