What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, December 09, 2021

I thought you were either old like me, or you were a trust fund baby. But, you've missed my point as well. If you want to be in /r/investing go to /r/investing. I already congratulated you on your gains. That 78K% gain was made over multiple years (more than 5). I made a 30k% gain on GME. Booked it and banked it after 6 months of no sleep nights. You want to post on WSB, great. But, you don't also get to claim you're superior. I also hold long term stocks that I will hold and hope to get multiple year gains (ITCI is one of them). But, you are trying to pigeon hole every WSB user as someone that needs your help. We don't.

I hold speculative plays in FNMA, RKT, and TTCF. I also hold a great deal in gold, silver and cash. On the way up, I have sold my positions in the S&P and IWM during this recent bull market. And at this point, I don't hold any equities in my 401K. I have no idea when the bull will end. But I know it will. And I'm willing to take the chance that I will be able to buy back in at a lower price than what I sold it at.

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