What are your opinions on developing a game using only pre made assets?

TLDR: Yes, but probably not.

Just my 2 cents. If you use the same assets that everyone else is using, you’re game is likely to not stand out amongst all the other games using the same assets. Lets say your game loop is amazing and you put tons of work into your gameplay and got fantastic feedback from play-testers…it would be possible that your game could be considered good. But, it is more likely that if you’re the type of person to purchase assets to put in your project as final artwork, you would likely also be the type of person who doesn’t go the extra mile to make your game fun. If your gameplay was great, you should have art created to make your game stand out. If you’re new to gamedev, there is nothing wring with using those assets. They are there for your to learn and develop. If you are altering the assets to fit your art style, that is good to go. If none of your art looks like it belongs together, that will be apparent to most gamers.

/r/SoloDevelopment Thread