As someone with braces, I get this a lot

Alright everyone, I got my braces removed a month ago.

I was 19 when I had them, now I'm 21.

Some tips: - Always wear your rubber bands (Yes it may hurt to stretch your mouth in the beginning but trust me - they are meant to help adjust your bite. They give you packs every visit until they tell you to stop using them, so you have no excuse to say you ran out.)

  • You may look MUCH MUCH younger than you currently are. (This honestly doesn't matter. Met my current girlfriend while I had braces and now I have them off. It was a huge change for her. She loved the braces lmao but is now getting used to the new me.)

  • Have fun with the color of your brackets! (Might as well! You're in it for the long haul. I tried baby blue, dark blue, after I settled with light green for a while, then finally black.)

  • Get your wisdom teeth out DURING your tenure with braces! (I had 4 removed plus a few extractions while I had braces on and this is honestly one of the best things I did. The orthodontist will love you.)

  • You will soon want to go back to the orthodontist every month to get them tightened. (I don't know about all of you but after a while I loved to get them tightened. It felt like it was a 'checked off my list' and I can finally start the week fresh kind of thing. Whenever I'd return from a vacation and had class in a week I felt like I needed to get them tightened before in order to feel good. Weird.)

  • Braces are the best thing I did (THANK YOU PARENTS! They are affordable, give you confidence that you need at the end, and make you feel like a new you.)

  • I AM MOW IN THE RETAINER PHASE. (I prefer braces to them but whatever haha! I was told to wear them for 6 months every time. Unless it's an event, I can't take them off. I'm only wearing them when I sleep or when I don't have class so let's hope I can get by like that!)

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