What are your top 10 strongest characters?

Matchups matter, when characters are close in rank, just because someone lower doesn’t mean, they can’t win against someone who is few ranks above)

1-Kiado (1 vs 1 , bet on him, the strongest creature)

2-Big Mom (she was portrayed to be on par with Kiado)

3-Dragon (My headcanon, he is the leader of the main antagonist force against the freaking world government, his father is freaking Garp and he is the father of the next pirate king! The most wanted man)

4-Shanks (You could put Mihawk here if you want to wank him based on the title, but since Shanks lost his arm before he became a Yonko, he refused to fight him, I am not sure your title means much if you refuse to fight some people, also Shanks has much better portrayal, clashing with Whitebeard like it’s nothing, clashing with Akinu, meanwhile Mihawk was thinking about the difference between everyone and White Beard)

5-Akinu (went toe to toe with White Beard, fough Aokiji and after fights you grow stronger, broken devil fruit and most offensive, Oda said he would find the One Piece in a short period of time, fleet admiral, you could put him higher honestly)

6-Black Beard (the newest Yonko, Luffy will take him out probably 1 vs 1, and the last arc is going to be against the world government, not black beard)



9-Kizaru (Honestly, he could be higher, but Aokiji and Akinu had better portrayal)

10-Fuji (admirals above him had better portrayal)

/r/OnePiece Thread