What was the best pop album of the 80s, 90s and 00s?

Im sorry that you think that me being forward with you is "losing my shit". I called you out and I was forward about it. I used forward, direct language. I don't take kindly to gay shade and will be forward and direct when dealing with it, I was relentless because I felt the only reason you said that was to make me feel like crap and I don't take kindly to people being rude for the sake of it.

I'm truly sorry about your suicide attempts. I can relate. But what angers me now is the fact that you have been dealing with this stuff, and you would make a joke like that. I'm now judging that comment you've made even more harshly now. Someone who has actually been through that shit should know not to use that as a shading tactic.

You did allude to me doxxing. Saying I "fit the description". That's an accusation, its indirect, but it's an accusation none the less.

If you think I'm foaming at the mouth and barking like a rabbid dog about this let me correct you. I'm annoyed, I'm annnoyed by the fact that you came for me about a stupid issue. So, instead of the whole "you shade me I shade you let's see who shades the best" bullshit, I was direct. You need to deal with that. When you're bitchy to someone and they come after you like I did. Don't be surprised, they're within their rights to call you out, just like you were in your right to make that comment. But you can't expect to make shady comments and then not expect backlash, that's not how the world works. If you say something about someone like thst, expect to get verbally taken down. It's not mental illness, it's not crazy and it honestly takes no effort, and it's a teachable moment for you and me.

Lets be clear. No one is on your dicc. I'm definitely not on it. I'm just trying to shock you out of being unecessarily Shady. Because if you do this in the real world and say to the wrong person, the person you said this to might assualt you, and I don't want that harm comming on you.

I wish you the best dude. You deserve it.

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