Can we get a gauge on what supporters currently believe with regards to some of the stories currently swirling around the administration?

Comey yes, Rogers no

Any comment on Comey telling the world that they were re-opening (and almost immediately closing again) the Clinton email investigation but negating to mention that Trump had been under federal investigation for months, an investigation that obviously continues to this day?

My understanding is that unmasking an american is only allowed if criminal conduct is suspected.

Unmasking is completely legal and routine - it's often necessary to understand the context of intel gathered via surveillance.

if I was Trump, I'd run with that and start unmasking the hell out of conversations

Are you suggesting the president of the United States should start weaponizing the intel services to attack his political enemies?


Oh, so you were talking about the position Clinton held 4+ years ago. Got it.

there is a strong case to be made that 20% of our uranium capacity

Is this really something you believe? From other comments you've made here, I know you're smart enough to know that that whole thing has been debunked

If you're going to insist that you're concerned that the Russians may buy influence

I'm in a forum named "AskTrumpSupporters," not "relitigate past allegations." This is one of the things that annoys so many non-supporters: this whole game of "Whataboutism." Clinton lost the electoral college, she is irrelevant outside of some campaign promise Trump has already decided to break ("Lock her up").

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