Daily Discussion - April 12, 2022

It's been a year and a half but I finally finished Friends omg. Even though I was complaining about being tired of the show, I actually felt sad. I was like "wait it's actually ending? omg wait maybe I take back what I said....". It was nice watching the show. It was something easy to just sit down to. It became a major comfort show when I was really struggling with my mental health.

I know there's a Joey spin off but is it something worth watching? Wikipedia says it was cancelled due to low ratings so I'm guessing it wasn't great?

Anyway, I guess I'm alright with how things were wrapped up.>! Ross better make Rachel happy af cos she turned down the offer of a lifetime for love. !<

Time to watch a Phoebe funny moments compilation! She was my fave. I loved her fashion sense too.

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