Britney Spears' album Blackout turns 15

  1. Favourite songs are probably the singles lol, if there’s one artist who’s fantastic at picking singles it’s Britney. But if we don’t count the singles my favourite is Heaven On Earth (top tier production, love the whispering), or Perfect Lover (this song makes me feel hot). Least favourite is easily Why Should I Be Sad, listening to it I go between being bored and being actively annoyed by the drums in the background. Not a huge fan of Freak Show either, it’s too repetitive in the chorus.

  2. I was 7 when Blackout came out so wasn’t following pop culture beyond Miley Cyrus and Zac Efron.

  3. First listened to the album probably the same year it came out in 2007, just didn’t associate it with Britney the celebrity quite yet. I had a PSP that consisted entirely of Britney and Green Day for some reason, but I remember enjoying the Britney album more than Blackout. That opinion has not changed over time lol I’m still a firm believer of Britney being her magnum opus not Blackout.

  4. I really don’t care if an artist writes their own music, lyrics can be awesome but if the singing or performance aspect is boring I won’t listen. I like that Britney has never taken credit for work that isn’t hers, rather than many of her peers who follow the whole “write a word get a third”.

  5. Love the auto tune on Disturbia, and hate myself for saying this but also Forever by ***** ***** uses it really well too.

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