What was the biggest project you procrastinated on and what was the result?

I wrote a humor column every month for my high school newspaper. I was completely out of ideas so I just told myself that I'd started too late on most of them and always risen to the occasion and churned out something funny. Well time went by, now I have exactly 4 hours to get this done and I hadn't even started(and we generally had to turn things in 48 hours before we sent it to be printed). My teacher was breathing down my neck big time over it and so I just started writing something random, hoping it would go somewhere. The article ended up being about what you would do if you lost your nose in a horrific accident and had to replace it with something other than a nose for the rest of your life. Examples: beer tap, soda dispenser, lotion/antibacterial soap, screw driver, power drill, etc. It actually turned out alright and people thought I was so creative for coming up with such a random thing...they didn't know it was an absolute last minute thing, that I basically just slammed my face on the keyboard over and over and that's what came out.

/r/AskReddit Thread