What is everyone else's story?

  1. Who do you believe yourself to be?
    A ray of the black sun. A thus unknown unnamed divine Sol, capable of weaving a new narrative never yet seen, that isn't tied to old narratives but carries the same force if not more.
  2. When did you first feel "special"?
    I can only remember when people started telling me I wasn't special, not intentionally, but through the indoctrinations of school etc. This created great cognitive dissonance within me that I eventually abandoned for internal peace.
  3. When did you finally realize how special?
    I had a few incrementally eye opening experiences that confused and scared me. I've felt the entirety of the big bang or a supernova within my body during a Lucid dream. I have felt the hand of God. I have had the choice to leave my body and escape into the God head. I have seen signs and wonders after the death of loved ones. I have experienced the marriage of the divine masculine and feminine within. I have had an astral initiation and seen the poetic code within this matrix. I have seen the Final Eyes.
  4. Was your background religious?
    I came from a skeptical Atheist family. Atheist in the ultimate sense that it was simply never discussed in a positive or negative way but there was also a sense of wonder in the cosmos that I shared with my father. I went to church eventually and got baptized but it didn't last long before I moved on.
  5. Was your path pleasant?
    Yes and No. I've definitely felt heaven surround me and have had it cast me into the fires of hell. I know that both serve important purposes so I just let the teacher teach and walk with as much pride as I can.
  6. Has there been anything "extraterrestrial" in your path?
    Unfortunately no. But... I'm quite certain they are there though. Perhaps I haven't earned a place among them yet.
  7. Do you have any special "powers" or abilities?
    I have the ability to read someones "shadow thoughts". In other words, I can see "why" someone is saying something rather than what they are saying. I can see their intent, which is a technique I developed through years of having to sift through the lies and bullshit of other people.
  8. How "paranormal" have things gotten for you?
    They fluctuate for me. Right now I'm in a more sensible period of my life. I'm really quite stable.
  9. Would you consider your path one of Light or Darkness?
    My path is that of both Light and Darkness. I am interested in the fusion of elements as I have come to understand they hold no purpose without each other.
  10. Before you concluded that you are whomever you are, did you believe you were someone else? If so, who?
    I've never thought I was Jesus, or the "messiah" in a traditional sense, but I did feel I was a divine spirit, and my name was Joshua David Joseph [Redacted] son of Joseph and that was weird because my parents aren't religious and those were just family names. Names hold power and I recall being baptized at my church and the priest gave me priests bread which he said was not usually used for the baptismal process and he was crying as he baptized me and for some reason this had a strange lasting effect on me and confused me for a while. I realize now that the church was actually trying to sever the divinity within with these archetypes from the bible and to label yourself as the only true savior is ultimate ego, before cosmic ego, that always results in failure and a death wish.
  11. Do you have any adversaries?
    Ignorance is my only adversary, which is the dark half of myself.
  12. Are your adversaries mortal enemies?
    Yes and no as I'm sure you could ascertain. Those that force ignorance onto the world are my adversaries. I believe it could be that the Roman Catholic church has devised a plan to enslave the whole world and keep the divine spark within each of us smothered while glorifying themselves and therefore they are an enemy of christ consciousness and myself.
  13. Do you use drugs? If so, which ones?
    Natural drugs only for me and only on occasion. Marijuana to spark the imagination when I get stuck. Mushrooms and mescaline for spiritual purposes... And spirits (alcohol) for fun and to liberate the tongue and grease the gears of the mind.
  14. Does anyone believe you?
    Sure. To what degree? I don't know. I don't ask anyone to believe in me nor do I require them to.
  15. Am I talking to myself?
    We live in a paradox, where this is both true and untrue, as are all things. And thank god for that miracle... Otherwise, as you have suggested, we would be very very, infinitely, alone...
/r/MessiahComplex Thread