What on earth is happening to my crown?

Hey everyone! Hoping for some advice. I’m so upset.

2 weeks ago I felt that my hair may be different and started taking pictures from above. I was floored. This photo (taken today) looks even worse than the ones I took a week ago. I’ve had an unbelievably stressful few months, and had noticed more hairfall in the last month and a half. I went to the doctor a week ago and am still awaiting results of a blood test.

The front of my part looks relatively normal. I have an M shaped hairline but judging from baby photos i’ve been cursed with that my whole life lol. I’m in a panic because wait times to see derms in my area of Canada can be up to a year and that’s if I even get a referral. I’m 28F with no family history of hair loss. What on earth is happening to my crown area?

/r/FemaleHairLoss Thread Link - i.redd.it