my journey I'm struggling with another shedding episode

I’m so sorry to read this. Sending you all the love and support. It’s hard. Hair loss is mainly this rollercoaster of emotions and it sometimes feel like I’m going crazy obsessing over this. I’m going to say it only because it really helped me through dark times (sorry if this is not appropriate) and it is practicing gratitude and counting my blessings. Like a religious practice. Things look so horrible right now but this helped me a lot. Your boyfriend seems loving and caring and this flare will eventually calm down. For breaking out, I can tell you about my experience: I never had acne EVER even through my teenage years and when I stopped BC I broke out like crazy. It was heartbreaking as I also started shedding around this period. Now it’s completely resolved and the thing that helped me tremendously was sulfur masks and soaps. Cheap and very very effective! Thing is you have to preserve your mental health and do things that make you feel better one day at a time. I’m currently really struggling to feel desirable (just had a BAD breakup episode all while shedding like crazy and felt like a prisoner of this hair loss) SO I will be joining a pole dance class next month! I needed to reconnect with my feminine energy and stop linking being desirable to hair.

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