What was Operation Mincemeat?

hello so I was always interested in the universe as a kid and to be honest not much change as an adult recently I picked up this book by Stephen Hawking called a brief history of time and all I have to say if the man is so brilliant that even though he dumped down his theories they're still really hard understand why don't you understand the series in my book are you some kind of stupid idiot or something but as I was doing some other concepts in this book to you know he's trying to understand them I came across some really cool facts about universal I decided to gather up the most interesting ones to share with you guys sold here they are does the planet the scientists discovered in called Gliese poor p that's covered entirely in burning ice the planet has incredibly strong gravity which Super compresses the ice allowing it to withstand 8 degree temperature on its surface items are the building blocks them all matter in the universe poets interesting is that comprise a tiny nucleus surrounded by about ninety-nine point nine percent empty space theoretically if you are able to remove all that empty space you can fit the entire human race in about the size of a sugar cube about 1 percent the static that you see on your TV is made up of cosmic microwave radiation which is left over from the Big Bang that happened thirteen point seven billion years ago in there was a magnitude 9.0 earthquake that happened in Japan that was so strong that actually shifted the earths access and shorten these on Earth by one point 8 microseconds every century the Earth's rotation naturally slows by about seventy no second step is if you in fact when dinosaurs roamed the earth days it only be about hours long there's a mountain on mars called Olympus Mons that's kilometers tall that's three times the size of Mount Everest on earth is the tallest mountain on any planet in our solar system and it's so big that it actually sticks out of Mars atmosphere if you've ever wondered just how big the universe really is here's a picture taken in 90 by Voyager 1 called The Pale Blue Dot see that tiny pale blue spec well thats earth from six billion kilometers away if you didn't feel insignificant before now's a good time Aerojet also known as frozen smoke is the lowest density solid that we know of it's made up about 96 percent air it can support eight thousand times its own weight in to withstand a blast from two pounds of dynamite it's also the best insulator in existence which is why nasty use it to insulate spacesuits our solar system takes $5 million years to rotate around the Milky Way values that the last time that Earth was in its current position dinosaurs were just beginning to roam the earth stars to create even cosmic gases click billions of times amassed and gravity get so strong that fusion occurs and the release of energy creates a star according to our best estimates $5 million stars accreted every single day planets are created from the aftermath of starbursts all the residents have material that's left over will you to create an asteroid a comment moon and if there's enough a planet secretary espy is a massive space clout that's twenty-six thousand light-years away from Earth that made entirely of alcohol it contains over a billion billion billion liters about a whole which is enough for about four hundred trillion plan severe don't know about you but I'm getting thirsty astrologers theorized that the center of our universe smells like Rahman taste like raspberries this is due to the discovery ethyl formate in the Milky Way which is the chemical responsible for giving raspberries its flavor in Rome it's now everything on earth including earth itself is made of Stardust every single natural occurring element with the exception of hydrogen and helium is created within stars this means as an example that the iron in your blood is actually billions of years old from a star trillions of miles away to your starts at Cancri E is known as the diamond planet discovered
light-years away from Earth its own rich in carbon that it's believed the whole three times our planet's mass in diamonds it's also believed to have a solid diamond core with the sizeof week for it ten billion trillion trillion carrots ball black holes among the most fascinating things in our universe mostly because our inability to accurately study them although we don't know too much about them what we do know is that the former star dies in collapses on itself the gravitational pull that's created by this is so strong that nothing can escape from it not even light think about as intergalactic vacuum cleaner its hypothesize that eighty-five percent of the universe is made up of dark matter dark matter is matter that cannot be directly seema telescopes and the only reason that we know it exists because its gravitational pull on visible matter the planet venus is day is longer than its year is this is because the complete an entire orbit around the Sun before it manages to turn one signs access light hitting Earth right now is over ,0 years old below that's because it takes that long for the energy in the sunlight to leave the Suns Korean reach its surface and when it does finally reached the sun's surface it only takes about eight minutes to reach earth and finally in space there's something really cool cold cold welding give two pieces of metal touch in space they instantly bonded become one this is due to the vacuum that occurs in space it doesn't happen on earth because our atmosphere puts a layer of oxidized material between the two surfaces and that's it those are the most interesting facts about the universe I found if you guys wanna know more just google interesting universe packed there's lots of them out there and %ah others not I will see you guys next Saturday with the grainy video peace I of hey guys thanks for watching my video if you enjoyed it please remember to click the subscribe button to subscribe to my channel a release a new video every single Saturday and while you're at it click the Like button and share this on Facebook and if you've already done those things then go get some literature by Stephen Hawking because I got nothing but the highest respect for that guy he's incredibly brilliant and he makes you think about the universe so yet

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