Ever tell a BF/GF they possess a negative personality trait? 32M.

I just told a girl that I was dating for a few months, the last month exclusively, that she was inconsiderate and rude for canceling on me at the last minute and then justifying it by saying she had no choice and it was going to happen again. Mind you, the reason she canceled was because she wanted to go pursue a recreational activity. I have no problem with the recreational activity, and think it's great that she has a hobby that is important to her, my problem is making plans with me and then canceling last minute because she would rather go do the activity instead. It really upset me that she refused to acknowledge that what she did was rude, and that, along with some other things (ie, never initiating plans or communication), caused me to tell her she is selfish. Of course she did not take that well and I don't think we're going to see each other anymore. I didn't want to burn the bridge, but I just felt offended by the whole thing because she made it seem like my time was meaningless, and I felt pretty disrespected by it. Anyway, I hope I did the right thing.

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