As a teenager the funniest part of reddit is remembering that most of you are adults.

Confirmed, everyone on Reddit is a bot except you.

One day many years ago Aaron Schwartz was bored, with nothing to do he decided to start a little bot project.

He started by making a bot that would answer text based imputs sent to it, Aaron was slightly amused by his little bot's answers (mostly jokes and puns) and that's when he had an idea.

It didn't take long to create another bot and set the two to talk with each other, amused by this little project he decided to make more bots and see how it would turn out.

After writing the 9'th bot he thought making them manually was too much work for too little return, that's when he had the idea to write a bot tasked with writing other bots, to differentiate it from the rest he tagged it with an 'A' (standing simply for 'bot A').

All was well, but his bots were soon creating a clusterfuck after too many bots came up, to solve this Aaron decided to categorize them to interact just with bots from a same section.

All was well again, but his little project soon faced another problem, there were too many sections to look after. To solve this Aaron wrote yet another type of bot to deal with them and like the 'A' bots he tagged them to differentiate them from the others, this time with an 'M' (for 'My bot').

All was well again, his little project turned out bigger than expected but entertaining nonetheless, it occurred to him to upload it to the internet and named it 'Reddit' ( as in 'already read it on reddit', since the bots were all his so he did kind of read everything on reddit, also he couldn't resist making his project's name a slightly amusing joke ), the A bots were renamed as Administrators (Admins), the M bots as Moderators (Mods) and the sections as subreddits (subs), his last real changes to the Reddit project were having each sub be about an specific topic, having Admins produce new subs every now and then with an Mod bot to watch over it and a voting system to give more emphasis to the most amusing posts and comments. (also a karma score to track each bot's ability at submissions and comments)

From there on Aaron didn't change it much, just a few tweaks here and there. And he could visit his little project whenever he was bored granted he had internet access.

Aaron moved on from Reddit after a while, just checking every now and then to see what his bots were doing, he did implement a way for actual people to sign up to it but didn't expect many people to do so.

And indeed, every now and then someone would sign in, stay for a few days and then realize there were only bots here, abandoning Reddit soon after.

But then you came along.

You signed up and unlike all others stayed here, checking reddit and chatting to bots frequently.

Aaron is gone now, has been for years, there's no one here to actually talk to, and yet you're here...why are you still here?

/r/Showerthoughts Thread Parent