What was the original intent of Odium

By definition No, since he is the First Vessel to have held it. I think it would be possible for 2nd Holders to some extent, though we know that the Vessel interprets the Intent and can skew it, but does not really Change the Shard itself in a lasting way.

I've been pondering this about the First Vessels. When Adonalsium was shattered, was it random who got what Shard, or did the Shards somehow choose the most appropriate Vessel, or something different? In a parallel universe could Rayse have got Honor and Tanavast Odium, and would that have changed anything? Or would Tanavast simply never have got Odium and Rayse never Honor?

With regards to no change in a lasting way, does this mean there's a temporary period when the Vessel has a little control over the shard, but after a sufficient period of time Rayse-Odium and Taravangian-Odium will essentially both just have been the same Odium with the Vessel's Intent irrelevant? Kind of like throwing a big rock (the Vessel) in a stream (the Shard), at first it'll affect the flow a bit, but after sufficient time (even if it takes thousands of years) the rock would be moved, eroded, or broken?

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