What post-Sorkin episode have you come to more greatly respect upon a rewatch?

It's funny, I was never that big on The Supremes relative to most people's opinion of it (it reads to me like one of those "someone showed a bot a thousand hours of Aaron Sorkin and here's what it came up with" memes to me), and modern times have made me less inclined toward it. Maybe I'm just too partisan/ideological, but I suspect that when Justice Mulready is the deciding vote in a TWW-verse equivalent of Dobbs, the (admittedly fictional) women who've lost their right to choice aren't saying, "Well, jeez, at least he's more articulate than Brad Shelton!"

I've always been a partisan and never liked the show's few attempts at non-partisanship, though - I wouldn't have hired Ainsley Hayes or Chandler Bing, either.

/r/thewestwing Thread