Apex Legends War Games Event - Discussion & Support Megathread

Respawn said that the Second Chance LTM was not going to count for the Assassin, Wrath, or Wake badges, although i have no idea if all the match stuff not counting for your statistics is a bug, or if it was on purpose.

But i dunno, it might be like the Shadow Royale LTM where your kills and damage did not count for your account while playing it.

In my opinion, i think something may have glitched and when they were tweaking the Second Chance LTM, they accidentally bugged the match reward system.

They will most likely patch it, the question is when.

I would also like to note that the fact that you are not recieving XP or it simply not counting your match placement in the LTM is definitely a bug, as it would not make sense why they would temporarily remove it.

/r/apexlegends Thread