Current state of the housing market

If your client is ready and willing to accept a house as a tear down, more power to them. If not, I really feel sad for their impending mistake. I bought, in 2005, young an naive, trusting people in the process that were not in my best interest.

We wound up in a fixer lemon of a house that had water and foundation issues. With an interest only ARM of course.

Second time around, lessons learned we did much better. It was not cheap, not perfect, but a decent house in a good location that we could afford. And its now more affordable thanks to pandemic. Rich getting richer, I guess. Am I over the moon happy because of the appreciation in value? No, not really. It just means were more handcuffed to the place.

When the markets get to that level of stupid (no contingencies, no inspection), I am OUT!!

And frankly I hold your profession partly responsible for it.

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