My sister just gave me the "gift" of an Epoch Times subscription. Can I cancel without her knowing?

Yup. I made the mistake of trying to talk to someone who asked - "why did the flu completely disappear this year". Geee, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with:

Folks staying home and wearing masks also kept the flu from spreadingc. Which often leads to "Then why did people still get covid then huh? Because Covid-19 is more contagious than the flu. And, unlike the flu, there was no vaccine for over a year.)

Covid is much more contagious than the flu and less forgiving of any lapses of prevention measures.

One reason for this is because people can shed the coronavirus several days before exhibiting any symptoms (if at all). The flu sheds no more than a day before symptoms appear.

Add to it that kids, who are major spreaders of illness in general and the flu specifically, haven't been in school to pass it around. Unfortunately some parents don't have the financial ability to take off the days it takes to get kiddo well and so they send them to school where the sick child now spreads it to other kids and faculty to take it home to their partners and kids...repeat. Kids are little germ incubators.

A record number of flu vacancies were given out in most people have some innate immunity from prior vaccinations and infections.

And finally people still* got the flu - it didn't disappear.

/r/QAnonCasualties Thread Parent