What is the right time and profile to start job hunting in EU?

You should probably know that the guy that answered almost all of your question is notorious for spending half his life just finding reasons to shit in Germany in all kindsof subreddits. My small family owns four houses and no one in it has ever made even close to the 100k that he claims to make and claims to have trouble buying property with. He just happens to live in Munich, Germany's San Francisco with by far the biggest living costs in the country. Anywhere else, a single person can easily live a full yet minimalistic life on about 1.5k a month, with many students surviving on half of that. Property in cities is scarce and can easily cost upwards of 400k, but go outside just a few miles and that will buy you almost anything you would want. Houses in suburbs are attainable for any two-income white collar couple and a condo is often even doable on a good-to-great single income.

The only thing he is right about is German wages, which aren't great indeed. Switzerland Gas us be at comfortably, as have most countries within the anglosphere. This isn't fairy land, but it's more than decent and not half as terrible as he makes it out to be.

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