What’s the Matter with Men?

People don't like the fact that there are growing pains with progress. Full equality and integration in the workforce wasn't going to be easy even though we would love to think it would be. Change is tough but it's happening in front of us and it is better for everyone, even men. Equality is equality, and as much as it feels like the world is a zero-sum game it isn't. It is more socially acceptable for men to get paternity leave than ever, it's more acceptable for them to seek therapy than ever.

People have the memory of goldfish when it comes to remembering how bad things used to be when talking about how bad things are today. I agree that the political situation seems bleak, but I do believe that progress is happening for everyone, and the idea that one side is benefitting at the expense of another really comes off as disingenuous, bordering on shitposting to me.

/r/neoliberal Thread Link - newyorker.com