What types of ways does and can Misaka use her powers

He manipulates the magnitude and direction of forces. Its at least fully limited by what he can calculate even if he can do an insane amount of math. He needs to be touching vectors to control them early on.

She can generate electromagnetic fields and electrical discharges. This is seemingly limited only in application of electricity and what the user can think of doing and not being enough that making her self as magnetic as possible doesnt make her collide with metal at a speed that would make her die.

Unless he was just given data on literally every way she could manipulate the world around him ideas like indirect attacks (like chemical attacks from invisible gases) seem completely viable considering toma can litterally walk up to him and punch him and he said fuck it something like oxygen deprivation is the reason a nuke would kill him and that now he needs an oxygen tank. That said shed still have to figure out how to not die from him launching something big at her super fast.

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