New Testament will be good, right?

(rant)I’m pretty sure it’s obvious what’s the problem with Index adaptation.It’s crammed story and weird pacing sucks;the reason for this kinda make sense,JC staff wants to cover as much as possible to catch up to the LN.I’d argue the first season did this really well,but doing this for every season wasn’t gonna end with constant success.I don’t know if there gonna learn their lesson and change their POV on this,but I hope after the reception from the third season something might change.

As for the visuals,it’s “fine”.From what I heard the LN have more content,and better visualization.But keep in mind adapting LN isn’t the same as adapting manga.The visuals (along with other things) are gonna be less impressive due to the artist having more leg room to “interpret” how scenes would look like rather than copying what is already drawn from the manga.Maybe have more insight from Kamachi.

Also what’s with this obsession with JC staff liking Railgun more than Index.From a business perspective their is no “favoritism” when it comes to making money,the two are profitable works.It’s not they favor one work over the other,it’s that they choose to cover a LN (in which much of its flavor is from the detail) and treat it like a manag(where you could just copy the pictures animate it and the fans would be fine)

/r/toarumajutsunoindex Thread Link -