What would be a good Qbank that focuses critical thinking skills, strategies? Not just content. I have ADHD and epilepsy. Studying content isn’t helping with Qbank. Scores are low. U world seems good, but it’s more like content based. It doesn’t teach tips/strategies to answer the correct questions.

Simple nursing.com A review program that bases their content on what is most tested on the NCLEX. There's a lecture series on there that focuses primarily on tips and tricks too. There's some SimpleNursing vids on YouTube that you can test out to see if it works for her before you pay for anything. That plus UWorld for doing practice tests is your best bet. Do 75 questions a day, then read the rationales behind the question. Then copy the test ID and paste it in the custom test section to retest on the same questions to see if you learned the concept. Then mark the question if you still don't understand why the question is wrong or right and take another test with the ones you got incorrect and the ones you marked.

I have been taking questions on UWorld and I know the answer because I learned it in the SimpleNursing videos. Combined together, it's really helpful.

I also made a massive pdf of all the study guides from SimpleNursing that I can email you if that would help.

/r/PassNclex Thread