Setting up a First Date - How Long?

Thank you for the quick and through reply! I completely agree and understand about what you say about gauging someone prior to the next step. I can appreciate that especially in 2020 where you might have a lot of matches and/or be very busy. But what I've noticed is that I'm just not as interesting online as I am in person. So I guess my situation is unique in that I can't close on a date even though I've been successful in getting a ton of numbers. Everyone I talk to seems to be interested in me more so than just some basic questions. As soon as propose a date they either ghost or become wishy washy on the logistics. It's a shame too because I'm a good dude and have a lot going for me. But I don't fit the template model that I think a lot of women are trying to look for. Being respectful, nice and answering their questions hasn't really gotten me anywhere. I don't have the online/texting/charisma that I think gives people an extra edge. But in person I'm completely different. I'm just more old school I guess.

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