NDE are fake?

i will just try to narrate the whole thing as far as i can recall.

This happened to me when i was <10 years of age. i am 34 now.

So heres the whole thing as i remember.

I basically was being taught to swim and i started drowning. how i ended up in that position with my relatives around i have no idea.

But i started to drown and heres how i remember the whole thing.

I am trying hard to rise up above for air, heavily patting my hands to come up... just can't get it... the struggles real.... at one point i do come up, i barely just get some air along with some water... and after that once again the same struggle.... now i can't keep up, i am drained of energy i think... arms paining... but need air... ultimately just drinks a lot of water underneath.... but no breath... tries one more time... or a few more times.. i dont remember, to come up.... ultimately gives up.... and sort off....

immediately like as if a snap of a magician and how he changes the whole scenario... some thing like that... i am immediatly feeling no more cold water... no more gravity... utter peace... satisfaction... still in darkness though... for a brief moment utter darkness.... before moving closer to a dimly lit orange cloud that is not bright... and not smoke... its the source... a flame... but like a cloud... and it really made me feel... warm... loved beyond measure... it felt eternal... me being there... also i do believe... felt like an eternity...peace beyond measure and forever... satisfaction beyond measure and forever....

just insane and hard to describe....

and then.... i see a shadowy hand..... that sort of pulls me from there.... from that whole presence... and within almost a snap... i am gaining consciousness... i am on my uncles leg... who has bent me through my spine to get that water out... and i am indeed vomiting that water.. coughing etc...

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