What would your character description be like?

Skadd the Absent is my current character. He is something of an aspiring court wizard. He's out on a mission to prove his magic and earn the respect of Skyrim's keeps. However, as his name suggests he has a habit of just taking off. Skadd isn't native to Skyrim and will often take long breaks by the nordic ruins and caves he finds between cities just to study the constructs and contents. Trying to stay in character I believe it took me something like 2 in game months just getting from Whiterun to Windhelm when I was to deliver Balgruuf's ax to Ulfric. I'm pretty sure Skadd will never see his dream to become a Court Wizard given his lack of reliability.

Karl the Totter, this had been my thief. He is extremely good at his job, but his name comes from being extremely poor at the getting away aspect. He can't run very fast, nor can he hit very hard. Really, he has to rely on use of illusion magic to be effective. In many aspects, he is not the one that bards will be singing about in the years to come. Karl is viewed much more like the bumbling side kick to whoever I hired to protect him, which I am sure makes Karl feel a little insecure given his importance to the events unfolding around him.

William the Expendable, my first character I played and quite possibly the least accurately named character I've had. William has put Skyrim into a state of self inflicted oppression by manipulative means of going through the many arcs in the game. In "defeating" Alduin, William had simply left the quest at having Alduin remain in Sovngarde, however he did follow up in the main quest so far as to trap Odahviing in the Dragon's Reach and simply leaving Odahviing in this position. This leads to much unrest to the people of Skyrim knowing that Sovngarde is no longer safe. It also created tension between Whiterun and the rest of the keeps as it would be very difficult to explain why you are holding a dragon within your city walls while they pose such a threat to day to day life. During the civil war William would lead the Stormcloaks to victory, severing any ties to the empire and the dominion which could have helped the people of Skyrim against William. To aid the Stormcloaks to victory William would raise an undead army to fight on the front lines without any consulting of Ulfric before doing so. This has now forced him to rule Skryim through fear as the people do not respect his army, but should the stormcloaks fall apart now the empire would be able to walk right in under a heavily weakened Skyrim. The Dawnguard were quite possibly the best prepared to lead Skyrim out of Williams hold, but when they stormed Castle Volkihar looking for William, he was already taking shelter in the Soul Carine. William lives there full time now, having left Skyrim in shambles, and continuing to affect it from a location no others dare to enter.

/r/skyrim Thread