Here's what your fav sws brands really think about other brands on the sub

This is the official r/streetwearstartup Discord server, not the “talk shit about brands private community”. The link is one the sidebar for anyone who wants to join. Nothing is sugarcoated in the server and it will be told straight up to you. Are these screenshots supposed to make the members of that server feel exposed? You clearly have never been in a reddit server or any forum server for that matter if you think that discussions talking about a post or a person on the forum (whether they are good or bad or regardless if the OP is in the server or not) don’t happen. Nice effort on making this post though, I can imagine the thought process that went behind this. “I need to feel like I’m doing something good in life, how can I make this subreddit think I’m a good person while I make all these other people look like assholes?”. Clearly you have never said anything bad about someone when they’re not there? Of course not, that’s not what happens at all in life. This is a subreddit and a server dedicated to branding and designing. You must be delusional if you think that people are not going to have discussions elsewhere (even another place that isn't Discord) whether they are positive discussions or negative ones. Grow up and deal with the fact that people are going to talk shit regardless if it’s to their face or not.

/r/streetwearstartup Thread Link -